Stacked! - Food Photographer London

This one was a fun one!

Collaborating with the incredible Food Stylist Jess McIntosh, we took the steps to stack food higher and higher and higher to teetering point. 

Making these stacked sculptural photographs is no mean feat. Careful balancing, clever styling tricks and a calm and steady hand makes these precarious stacks hold together with just enough time to get the picture. (I’d be lying if I said that the cheese one didn’t fall apart more than once…. but we persevere!)

I love these types of images because they show food in a totally different light. Playful and fun whilst altering your POV, I find these images exciting giving the viewer a chance to peek on the impossible. It’s a moment frozen in time where they can peer into the detail of the drip of honey, the little flame or the tiniest grain of icing sugar falling from the sky.

Let’s chat about how I can make these kinds of images for you. Drop me an email and let’s chat!

Get in touch to discuss your next campaign – 07807 599513

Represented by Lisa Pritchard Agency – 07963 646160

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